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April 4, 2014

Do Something Spring Festival Benefitting Chester County Food Bank

Date April 4, 2014

Enjoy an afternoon of music, food & activities in Eagleview Town Center on Saturday, May 17th 2014 from 1-4pm with proceeds benefitting the Chester County Food Bank!

Plant something. Grow something. Do something to make a difference. Do something to end hunger in our community!

Learn how easy it is to grow food on your patio & give a portion of the harvest to CCFB. Please bring a non-perishable food donation for Chester County Food Bank.

With 5 tightly wrapped horns, a rhythm section that just doesn’t quit, and the exceptional lead vocalist Steve Miller, Big Package hits you hard with high energy funk and dangerous dance music.

Soulful and simple, Kwesi K draws his listeners in with colorful story lines and a melodic fervor.

For up-to-date event info, visit or the Eagleview Town Center Facebook page.